Ways To Get Pregnant With A Boy Baby - Identify Ways To Give Birth To a Son Naturally
If you wish to have a baby boy you need to understand what your man should avoid
In order to achieve fertilization it is very important that the quality and quantity of the spermatozoa is high. Alcohol poisons the cells in the testicles that produce spermatozoa and eventually reduce the spermatozoa count. Men who smoke cigarettes are more likely to have low sperm counts so one should try to avoid it. Masturbation also decreases sperm count so the man should avoid doing this before trying to conceive. The father should also avoid warming up the testicles because male sperm are less resistant to heat than female sperm (foods to eat to make sure you get a son). How tubs and saunas should be avoided while trying to get pregnant with a son as well as tight fitting underwear. The male should choose to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that will help improve sperm health. Obesity negatively affects spermatozoa quality and spermatozoa count so it vital that he exercises and maintains a healthy weight. Using lubricants such as skin lotions can interfere with sperm movement and should be avoided. Exposure to pesticides and toxins can affect sperm quantity and quality so avoid skin contact with these chemicals.
If you are having trouble conceiving you should visit a reproductive endocrinologist who will screen both partners for common physical abnormalities that cause infertility. You can utilize other techniques such as in vitro fertilization if a reproductive endocrinologist is unable to help you conceive naturally. By separating the male generating spermatozoa and the female generating sperm the Ericsson Technique can guarantee that you will only receive the spermatozoa to conceive a son. The sperm is separated by how quickly they swim and then once that is achieved you will be inseminated with the sperm that you desire. Since the X chromosomes are bigger and more absorptive than the Y chromosome sperms a method called Microsort uses dye to separate the two types and then inseminates you with the chosen sex just like the Ericsson technique (sex positions for getting a boy baby). In vitro fertilization is a complex medical procedure that involves the fertilization of your eggs outside of your body and then can be tested for their gender. To increase your chances of conception IVF gives you a series of medicine for fertility that cause you to produce more eggs than usual in one cycle. Once the eggs are released a doctor will remove them from your body with a needle and fertilize them with spermatozoa in a laboratory. In the laboratory the fertilized eggs become embryos after a few days and can be tested for their gender. The doctor then injects the embryos back into your uterus by inserting a thin catheter through your cervix.When a woman knows what to look for she can track ovulation easily and naturally. In order to see what days you will be ovulating you just need to make an ovulation calendar. You must know the first day of your last menstrual cycle and the average number of days between cycles as the fertile period begins six days after the first day of menstruation. The consistency of the mucus produced in the cervical canal changes just before ovulation occurs. If the mucus in your cervical canal is transparent and slightly elastic you are about to ovulate and your chances of being impregnated are higher. Your baseline body temperature changes on the day of ovulation and can be tracked. If your body temperature rises by 0.4 to 0.8 degrees you are fertile and should plan to have intercourse that day to increase the chances of conception. Take your temperature at a regular time and record it in order to see the patterns. Take care as several factors can disrupt your menstruation and ovulation cycle such as stress and poor nutrition.
If you’re trying to become pregnant with male baby try eating these foods
Do not omit breakfast when you are trying to become pregnant with a son. If you miss breakfast this can give a false signal of reduction in glucose levels to the body. This reduction in glucose will signal to your body that there is a problem of lack of food or starvation. A state like this that resembles starvation may encourage girl embryo development instead of a boy. Dr. Mathews' research study found that women who had breakfast regularly had an 87 percent greater chance of becoming pregnant with a baby boy. Include cereals like barley and oatmeal and wheat berries in your diet. If your partner starts drinking coffee this can help the probability of you giving birth to a boy (ways to get pregnant with a boy baby). The fast swimming Y spermatozoa that make boys benefit more from the extra boost of caffeine than do the slower moving X sperm. Also the faster the sperm swim the less they are exposed to the acidic cervical discharge that can kill them quickly. Just before coitus the man should drink some caffeinated coffee or another drink with caffeine.